The Hunger Games: Mokingjay by suzanne collins | Teen Ink

The Hunger Games: Mokingjay by suzanne collins

December 5, 2014
By MahinnaaKenooii BRONZE, Keaau, Hawaii
MahinnaaKenooii BRONZE, Keaau, Hawaii
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Mockingjay Movie/ Book review

“If we burn, you burn with you burn with us!” Katniss struggles in district 13 with the love from her mom, sister and Gale to help rescue Peeta. They had to make all the districts rebel against the capitol so she could get her revenge and kill snow; as Johanna said “How about we set your backyard on fire!” to Snow. I think the book was better honestly; because of the movie’s lack of detail. The movie left out some of the important details that was essential to make the book go on.
  In the book you can imagine exactly how they feel on the inside and in the movie they just show expression but u cant hear what they feel. in the book in district 13, they had a disease that they can't reproduce so they wanted all the district 12 people, in the movie it talks nothing about that. Katniss should show more expression so the audience can feel what they're trying to portray. The director should have added their journey to district 13 because it was confusing how in the movie she just woke up in 13.
I think they shouldn't have made the part 2 next year because i think people are going to forget about mockingjay because its such a far part a away. I recommend you watch the movie first and then read the book later if you want. the movie will disappoint you if you do it the other way around because they leave out lots of parts; so youll be like “what the?” The movie was nice to visually see what happens but using your imagination just makes it so much more interesting.

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