Of mice and men by John Steinbeck | Teen Ink

Of mice and men by John Steinbeck

December 4, 2014
By ernesto garcia BRONZE, Phoneix, Arizona
ernesto garcia BRONZE, Phoneix, Arizona
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Of Mice and Men by John Steinbeck

In the book Of Mice and Men by John Steinbeck was published in 1937 and explores many aspects of how people survived back in the day. The book follows George and Lennie the two main characters going to a farm to earn money to buy their own ranch as they dreamt of always owning one and so they won’t have to work but they get into trouble along the away with the owners son. As the story goes on Lennie gets into trouble with the owner’s son as he was picked on by the son and fought back in the processes breaking his hand. I could relate to George as he always had to look out for Lennie as I always have to look out for my little cousin. As George did with Lennie I always have to look after my cousin so they won’t do any harmful to themselves. The plot was great as it shows how two people are working hard to fulfil their dream of one day opening up their own ranch and also shows how hard work can come a long way when you work really hard. I would recommend this book as this book shows a good moral of working hard to achieve a dream and want more people to learn the lesson as well so they can learn how hard work can bring you a long way.  

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