Begging for Change by Sharon G. Flake | Teen Ink

Begging for Change by Sharon G. Flake

November 20, 2014
By M.Coleman BRONZE, Indiannapolis, Indiana
M.Coleman BRONZE, Indiannapolis, Indiana
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Begging for Change/Sharon G. Flake
Scholastic Inc. 2004, 248pp. Fiction

Raspberry’s mother struggling to keep her and her daughter off the streets. But all it takes is a little hope but hope doesn’t come from stealing money from friends and lie about it.   I know a thirteen year old girl would want with thousands of dollars….. To keep her off the streets… Then karma comes. 
Meanwhile, Raspberry living with her Mother. Her mother takes good care of her. Her mother wants what’s best for her and it doesn’t mean money.  They live in the Projects and Raspberry does have a lot of things going on at school. Dr. Mitchell, Zora, Ming, Mai, Ja’ nae, Odd Job, Raspberry, Sato, Miss. Hill and Miracle are all main Characters in the story. Miracle, the one who doesn’t like anybody. Raspberry really likes money. Raspberry and her Mother get off the streets and take really good care of them.
I think that the author did achieve her purpose because the author did a really good job saying money doesn’t grow on trees. Sharon G. Flake showed me that in a lot of different examples throughout the book. The writing changed the way I think about money in many in A LOT of different ways now and it might have changed others that read the book before. A real good strength about the book is that the author knows how to hook the reader throughout the whole story. I would recommend this book to everyone. I think age twelve and up should read this book.
The whole point about the author would not be about loving money or stealing from friends. It’s about caring for one another and looking out for one another. The impression the book left me with was with my mouth wide open like wow with the way the book ended.    

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