A Thousand Splendid Suns by Khaled Hosseini | Teen Ink

A Thousand Splendid Suns by Khaled Hosseini

September 30, 2014
By Anonymous

Thousand Splendid Suns book review

    What is it like for people in other countries? What they have to endure on a daily basis?  these are questions I never asked myself until I read A Thousand Splendid suns By Khaled Hosseini.

    Taking place in the war torn middle east in the Afghan city of Herat. A young girl named Mariam is the only illegitimate daughter of a wealthy businessman.Forced to live on a village on the outskirts of the city .Because of this her and her mother are shunned by her father and his wives. SHe lives this way until she is fifteen and is forced out of her village and given to her new husband  Rachied, A widowed shoe maker who also lives in the city. Soon after their marriage he abuses his new bride because of her inability to give him a son. In an attempt to get an heir to carry on his name he marries another young girl from down the street named Laila, Who would soon become Miriam's friend and only Allie against rachide and his abuse.

“Like a compass needle that points north, a man's accusing finger always finds a woman” This is something that Mariam Once told Lialia, This symbolizes how women in their culture are at fault for any and every thing that can and has gone wrong and that they need to stay together if they are going to survive. I think this book should be read by everyone. It helped me to better understand exactly how bad it is for women in other places. i normally have a hard time actually getting into stories like this because it is something completely out of my realm of understanding. But the very personal accounts made it very easy to fall into the world of the story. I can't recommend it enough.   

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