Divergent by Veronica Roth | Teen Ink

Divergent by Veronica Roth

September 1, 2014
By Kbd123 BRONZE, Charleston, West Virginia
Kbd123 BRONZE, Charleston, West Virginia
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
" Leave the court and make the people ask your name"

  The novel, Divergent, by Veronica Roth draws readers in with drama, violence, and self struggles. This book is my favorite because I  like the drama and action. Do you like action and drama?

  The story takes place in the future in old run down Chicago. In the city, people are divided into five factions. Amity are the peaceful, Dauntless are brave, Abnegation are the selfless, Erudite are intelligent, and Candor are the honest. At age sixteen, everyone in the city has to take an aptitude test. It will determine what faction they will be in for the rest of their lives. The day after the tests is called the choosing ceremony. Tris chose Dauntless and there she meets Four. This is just the begining for Tris. She faces her fears and struggles to get into Dauntless.

  This book is for many ages. Mostly for teenagers. The vocab is attended for eighth or ninth grade. Veronica Roth wrote this book to entertain readers. She made the book exciting, dramatic, and romantic. She does a great job of entertaining young teenage readers.

  When Tris is at Dauntless she figures out that Jeanine the Erudite's president is paying close attention to her. Tris doesn't do good at first and she gets beat up a lot in training. Four decides to help Tris so she can become a Dauntless member. Tris and Four start to become boyfriend and girlfriend. She becomes better at practice and moves up on the leader board. The training gets harder and harder for Tris. The Eurdite and Abgenation have a war at the end of the book. The Dauntless are controlled to fight Abgenation. Guess you'll have to read it to see what happens!

  This book left me excited and ready for the next book. I really enjoyed reading the action packed book divergent.


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