Looking for Alaska by John Green | Teen Ink

Looking for Alaska by John Green

August 31, 2014
By The_Woodchuck BRONZE, South Charleston, West Virginia
The_Woodchuck BRONZE, South Charleston, West Virginia
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"And as I was falling, I felt the air catch my breath, as I knew then and now I know now, this is the end."

How would you figure out the mystery named Alaska Young? Looking for Alaska will have you asking yourself that question again and again. Written by the same author who wrote The Fault in our Star, John Green proves that his earlier work is just as entertaining. This book will leave you laughing one moment and crying the next. Looking for Alaska is perfect for every young adult because it captures teens perfectly.

Miles “Pudge” Halter has a strange talent. He can memorize last words of almost anybody you can name. The story is mainly centered on him, with the exception of characters who are just as great. “The Colonel,” also known as Chip, is a short, yet muscular man who does his best to befriend Miles. Alaska Young is a beautiful girl who makes every man in sight fall in love with her, including Miles. She is mysterious and can be very moody at times. Then, there is Takumi and Lara. Takumi is Japanese and the brains of the group. Lara is Russian and a love interest of Miles. These characters will keep you reading until the very end.

John Green writes perfectly in this amazing book about a group of teenagers living in boarding school. The vocabulary is difficult at times, but at other moments, he captures the essence of teens perfectly. His writing makes you happy, sad, and in between. The situations the teens are put into are exactly what you would expect. Smoking is the biggest one they are caught for. I believe Green expressed his sense of writing perfectly and how it feels to be sixteen.

Looking for Alaska is about Miles trying to find his “Great Perhaps.” He hopes to find this at Culver Creek, a boarding school located in Alabama. On his first day he meets Chip (The Colonel) and they get off to a rough start. Soon they become the best of friends. Miles then meets Alaska Young, which cause instant love. Miles then must decide if he wants to take the risk of dating this ticking time bomb known as Alaska Young, or just continue with his life. Will he find his “Great Perhaps?” This captivating book will answer all of your questions.

In conclusion, this book is clearly about life as a teen. It’s filled with situations and struggles we all endure. Everybody will find something in this book that they relate to. John Green captures the true awkwardness we all face growing up perfectly. Every young adult should read this because they will relate and fall in love.

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