The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins | Teen Ink

The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins

August 31, 2014
By Jojomo BRONZE, Charleston, West Virginia
Jojomo BRONZE, Charleston, West Virginia
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Somehow I will make a man out of you!

You are left in the forest with two choices: kill, or die. The Hunger Games is a game where humanity have no role. Written by Suzanne Collins, The Hunger Games is a science fiction/ adventures book, with events full of action. It is recommended for all fiction readers.


This book is for 12+. If you like fiction, and you are twelve years old or above, then this is a good book to read. Again, The Hunger Games is an adventures/ fiction book that includes action, and life threatening moments. Although it is not considered a romance book, it includes some romance scenes to make the story a little more effective, and to give a twist to our mane characters feelings.


The one who narrate the story is katniss, who is also the book's main character. Throughout the story, Katniss will be expressing her feelings and making her own decisions. When her thoughts go deep into your mind, you will notice that you will be making decisions with her. That is going to make you excited to know what will happen next.


Panem, a country that was built on the U. S. destroyed land,  is where our story takes place. Specifically, it takes place in district 12. The setting changes, then, to the capitol, which is the center of Panem. After that the background of the story will change once more to the arena, or where The Hunger Games takes place. There , of course, is other settings and backgrounds included in the story, but those that I just mentioned are the main ones.


The book includes so many different primary, and secondary characters. Characters that are mentioned several times  would be: Katniss, Peeta )Katniss's partner in The Hunger Games, Gale (Katniss's friend), Prim ( Katniss's younger sister), Rue ( a tribute in the Games), and finally, Cato ( Katniss's enemy in The Hunger Games. You will read about more characters in the book.

Many of my friends told me that the story was boring, but when I read the book myself, I found it very interesting. I really liked the characters and how realistic the were. The Hunger Games was very well written and had a unique plot with realistic expressions. I recommend it for all fiction readers. Good-luck, "and may the odds be ever in your favor" !   

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