Mocking Jay | Teen Ink

Mocking Jay

August 19, 2014
By Anonymous

                  The title of this book is Mocking Jay and the author is Suzanne Collins. The genre of this book is fiction. The setting is in district 13 and the capitol. The main character is Katniss Everdeen from District 12 and she is called the Mocking Jay. The Mocking Jay is a respected leader uniting all 13 Districts. Katniss Everdeen has a trusted partner his name is Peeta. The plot is that the Capitol captures Peeta, and Katniss Everdeen tries to rescue him. While Peeta is captured the Capitol brain washes him to betray Katniss and kill her. Katniss and the rebels eventually rescue Peeta and try to help him restore his memory.  I thought the book was really interesting with a lot of action. I wanted to continue reading when I finished each chapter. I wish there was another book, but I believe this is the last episode. You should read this book it’s really exciting, but you need to begin with the first book called the “Hunger Games” to understand what’s going on. Thank you


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