The Mark of Athena | Teen Ink

The Mark of Athena

August 18, 2014
By Anonymous

The settings keep changing as they travel overseas and sometimes in the air to get to New Rome to actual Rome then Italy. Annabeth Chase daughter of Athena, Percy Jackson son of Poseidon, Piper Mclean daughter of Aphrodite, Leo Valdez son of Hephaestus, Hazel Levesque daughter of Pluto, Jason Grace son of Jupiter and Frank Zhang son of Mars.
Leo, Piper, Jason, Annabeth, and there so called “adult guardian” Coach Hedge, get ready to land in the borders of Camp Jupiter. Terminus, the god of borders stops them before they could land. The three meet the Roman campers. Percy, Frank and Hazel welcome the demigods. A reunion is held for the new comers. Ella the harpy, whom Percy, Hazel and Frank saved in there, last quest speaks of a prophecy from the ancient scrolls, about Annabeth’s solo quest: The Mark of Athena. Reyna talks to Annabeth alone and speaks about the Mark of Athena, which could bring the Romans and Greeks together. Eidolons, possessing spirits take over Leo and make him fire at the Romans. This leaves the Romans outraged. The Romans follow the Argo II to attack the ship. When Jason, Piper, and Percy go on a journey to meet the God of wine Bacchus, or Dionysus (Greek form), Gaea appears to Piper and makes her choose which boy will die with her. When Piper refuses to pick, Jason and Percy’s eyes glaze and both glow golden, the two boys attempt to fight each other to death until Piper manages to knock both boys out. Percy, Frank and Coach Hedge go on a journey and fight Phorcys and Keto for information about Gaea. The crew leaves quickly to Charleston and land in Battery Park. The Romans whom seek revenge break out in a fight. They all reach the ship safely and head out to find Chiron’s brothers. A shrimp monster attacks the ship, during the fight Leo, Hazel, and Frank fall in the water from the shrimp and is saved by the icthyocentaurs, Chiron's brothers. When the three were returned safely to the ships thanks to icthyocentaurs they head to meet the famous Hercules, whom guards the entrance to Rome. To be allowed to get passed, Jason and Piper must break the second horn of Acheolus the river god and return it to Hercules by sundown. Even though it was Hercules who wanted the horn, Piper decided that he did not deserve the horn of plenty. She brings down a bunch of food and Hercules falls, they quickly escape. The seven demigods sail through Rome. Annabeth must start her journey and find the statue of her mother and fight the guardian Arachne. Percy, Piper and Jason go and fight the anti-Dionysus. Hazel, Frank, and Leo travel underground to save Nico, but instead find Archimedes' scrolls and spheres.
Richard Russell “Rick” Riordan Jr. was born June 5, 1964 he is an American author known for the Percy Jackson and Olympians series. He was born and raised in San Antonio, Texas. Rick, Graduated from Alamo Heights High School and from the University of Texas.
Curious, thrilling, and adventurous are exactly the right words to use when describing my feelings toward this book. The book made me feel Curious at some points because I had no idea what would happen next. I was curious to know if the crew would make it or be stopped somehow and the quest would end. Anxiety fit this book well because you just wanted to know what would happen next. For example when the book ends they leave Annabeth and Percy falling to the pit of Tartarus. Adventures this book was a whole example of adventures. From the crew just trying to visit the Romans in peace, but Leo (accidentally) firing the ballistae at them. Then starting a whole war was quite an adventure already.
Like mysteries and adventures the Mark of Athena is the perfect book for you. This book has all the facts about the Greek and Roman gods. Its adventures and mysteries will keep you on your toes, wanting to read more. It’s a perfect way to enjoy what you’re reading and learn about the historical God’s of Rome and Greece. So get this book if youv’e read the other before.

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on Aug. 26 2017 at 7:36 am
Realjay41 DIAMOND, Culpeper , Virginia
81 articles 1 photo 91 comments
I dislike Rick! Why should I even call him "Uncle Rick"? Some of his characters are weird like how he interpreted Nero.