TFIOS | Teen Ink


August 18, 2014
By Janai Antoque-Freitad BRONZE, Keaau, Hawaii
Janai Antoque-Freitad BRONZE, Keaau, Hawaii
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

The Fault In Our Stars is a young adult type of book. The story takes place in Indianapolis and Amsterdam. The characters switch settings between each others house, the park, and throughout Amsterdam. Hazel Grace Lancaster(16) and Augustus Waters(17), are the main characters. The novel is about 2 teens with cancer who fall in love at a cancer support group. They share a love for books and switch books with each other to read. They get to know each other and bond often. An Imperial Affliction, the author Peter Van Houten, has them crazy about the book. Hazel and Augustus luckily get the chance to visit Amsterdam to have a chat about the book with Peter. They have a romantic trip with a terrible suprise. Augustus's cancer got worse. Still they have a strong love for one another.

The book had many quotes but one stood out to me. " The world is not a wish granting factory." Augustus would say this to Hazel when she was put down. To me, this quote makes so much sense because it is true. You always will not get what you want. The world is not a factory that can grant all your wishes. The author of this book was born in the 70s. He has 1 brother, a wife and 2 kids. He is the author of several other books, The Fault In Our Stars being the newest. He also runs a channel named the VlogBrothers.

I feel like this is one of the best books I ever read. It gave me great visuals to picture in my head. It is also a cute romantic story that shows a solid connection between the characters. In my opinion, you should read this book. It is a romantic story that displays the life you have with cancer. They have a cute relationship and take a journey to enjoy themselves. It is so worth reading because there are a couple of quotes that are brilliant. Altogether this book is grand.

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