Flawless by Sara Chapman | Teen Ink

Flawless by Sara Chapman

August 19, 2014
By Leilani Akima BRONZE, Keaau, Hawaii
Leilani Akima BRONZE, Keaau, Hawaii
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The book I chose to read was Flawless. Flawless was written by Lara Chapman, who is currently living in Central Texas. The book z is a fiction book. I really liked this book because of the romance and all the tension between the characters. Sometimes, I got really frustrated at the choices that the characters made, but I remembered that it would just turn good at the end. I would recommend this book for people who like romance and drama.

There are three main characters in this book. The first one is Sarah Burke. Sarah is flawless, well almost. She has a beak looking nose, but she’s been with it all her life, so it doesn’t really bother her. She is in her senior year and has impeccable grades. Sarah enjoys writing and wants to be a journalist when she grows up. Kristen is Sarah’s best friend since third grade. Kristen is gorgeous and gets almost anything she wants. Yet, her grades aren’t that great and she only does what she needs to do to get by. Next is Rock. He is a new student. He’s very handsome and both Sarah and Kristen have their eyes on him. He also likes journalism and has a lot of things in common with Sarah.

The story takes place in several places. The first place is Sarah’s house. It is a big two-story house in Houston for Sarah and her mom. The second place is the Houston High School. The school is where most things take place. The Houston High School isn’t a private school, so pretty much anyone can go there. Then there is the news station. It is where Sarah’s mom works and where Sarah meets Jen, one of her mom’s friends.It was the first day of school and Sarah woke up excited and thrilled to start school. When she goes downstairs to her mom cooking her breakfast, her smile droops down as she stares at the nose job paper, but she just swooshes it into the trash. Sarah gulped down some orange juice just as Kristen pulls up to take her to school. When they get into their class, they go to sit in the back, their usual spot. While they are talking Rock walks into the room and pretty much everyone was staring at him. Kristen quickly goes and shows him to sit by them. Kristen, Sarah, and Rock quickly become good friends. Kristen really likes Rock, but so does Sarah. Kristen convinces Sarah to write to Rock and pretend to be Kristen. But will it all come tumbling down?
When I first read the book, I wasn’t that interested, but as I read more, it started to get really good. I was really frustrated when Sarah agreed to help Kristen, but in a way it worked out. Here are some questions. Who does Rock like, Kristen or Sarah? Will Rock find out what Kristen and Sarah did? Will Rock ever talk to Sarah or Kristen again? Well, the only way to find that out is to read the book.


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