Divergent by Veronica Roth | Teen Ink

Divergent by Veronica Roth

August 19, 2014
By Austin Kaleo BRONZE, Volcano Rd., Hawaii
Austin Kaleo BRONZE, Volcano Rd., Hawaii
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

ottom:10pt;text-indent: 36pt;text-align: justify;"> Beatris and Caleb her brother goes into the test area.  Beatris goes into the testing room where Tori her proctor explains the tests and put her under. Tori manually put in Abnegation but her test results came up as Dauntless (the brave), Erudite (the intelligent), Abnegation (the selfless). This happens when you’re Divergent. When you're Divergent you can think for yourself and the government cannot control you, therefore you’re considered a threat to the social order. Beatris must keep this test result as a secret from everyone even her parents. Next day at the choosing ceremony Caleb hesitantly chooses Abnegation opposite trying to take the rule of the government Erudite. Beatris goes up and knows what she wants which is dauntless, but she's also thinking what’s good for her and her family, so hesitantly she chooses with her heart and chooses dauntless. At first she struggles to keep her place in the faction. Then she learns her way to fight and survive after her nemesis Peter. Will the Government be overthrown, and will they find out about Beatrice secret?

To me, I feel like this book describes personality. In my opinion traits like being Brave, Smart, Selfishness, Peaceful, and Honest describe more than the factions in Divergent. People being split into groups by personality doesn't mean that other traits that mean other groups doesn't mean that it's not not there. I believe that you should read this book not just for the amazing action filled romance novel but also for a deeper meaning in personality.



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