The Fault In Our Stars by John Green | Teen Ink

The Fault In Our Stars by John Green

August 18, 2014
By Anonymous

The novel that I decided to read over the summer was The Fault in Our Stars by John Green. Some themes from the book are quite grim coming from the fact that the main character has cancer. In the book it tells you about the different experiences she had when she was first diagnosed with thyroid cancer and all the pain and suffering she had to endure. The genre of the novel is young adult literature I think the reason being because the book is revolved around a teenager and her struggles that normal teens don’t usually face. One meaningful quote from the story states “I’m on a roller coaster that only goes up,” which I think describes this story perfectly.
The setting of the novel takes place in Indianapolis where 16 year-old Hazel Grace Lancaster lives with her mother and father. There she lives the life of a normal teenager well… almost. She was diagnosed with stage four-thyroid cancer at the age of 13 with metastasis beginning to form in her lungs. Ever since then she was treated with all sorts of medication/treatment to keep the cancer stable. Her lungs being weak meant that she also had to drag an oxygen tank around with her to help keep her breathing normal. In the beginning of the novel she’s being dropped off at her support group, which consists of other teens that have, had, or are in remission with cancer. There, she meets a gentleman named Augustus Waters and learns that he had osteosarcoma but now is cancer free because of his leg amputation. After the session Augustus and Hazel start talking and start getting to know each other better, leading them to becoming close friends. The reader then learns that Hazel loves a book, written by Peter Van Houten, about a girl and cancer story, which Hazel finds realistic and different. However, the book comes to an abrupt ending leaving Hazel with many questions. She introduces Augustus to the book and tells him that she emailed Van Houten countless times but he’s never replied. After Augustus finishes that book he too is left with many unanswered questions and is quite devastated.
Eventually Van Houten gets back to her saying that the questions she asked could only be answered in person and that she should visit Amsterdam where he currently lived. She quickly becomes excited then tells Augustus who later reveals that he’ll be using his wish from a foundation (that grants ill children one wish) to travel to Amsterdam to meet Van Houten. A few weeks later,however, Hazel’s lungs suddenly fill with fluid and she is rushed to the hospital. She quickly recovers and is ready to go to Amsterdam but her doctors and parents that she needs to live her life. When they arrive at Amsterdam,where they expect to have a pleasant and meangingful conversation with Van Houten, they learn that he is a drunken mess with a rude attitude. As they leave angrily, the secretary apologizes and offers to take them on a tour of Ann Frank’s house. At the end of the tour Augustus and Hazel share a kiss. However, upon returning to Indianapolis, things start to take a trun for the worst.
While reading this novel I thought that it was going to end all soppy and romantic with a happy ending. I thought I could predict the end when I was halfway through the novel but oh, I was so wrong. This book made me feel emotional,devastated, and thankful. I’m pretty sure that by the end of this novel, any reader would understand what I mean because the feelings are so intense. Therefore, I would recommend this novel to anyone who likes a romance, comedy, or drama.


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