The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants by Ann Brashares | Teen Ink

The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants by Ann Brashares

May 8, 2014
By Molly Martin BRONZE, Cincinnati, Ohio
Molly Martin BRONZE, Cincinnati, Ohio
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Have you ever had a great group of friends that moved away? Did you want to stay in touch with them? Then this is a great book for you to read. The author of this book is Ann Brashares. She does a great way of explaining the story.
She does many things that explains this story in a magnificent way. First, she does a great job by telling us about each character. There are 4 main characters- Lena(has the looks), Bridget, (Athlete) Carmen,(The one who cares) and Tibby(rule- breaker). Even though they are all friends, they are all very different. Ann did a great way of explaining every single one of them, and what each one of them liked to do. She also does a great way of explaining where each of them moved and how they all feel about one another. They also have many different lifestyles.

Some quotes that Ann has in here that Carmen says are, “While Lena and I went to public elementary school, Bridget went to a private school with a bunch of other jocks, and Tibby was still going to Embrace, this tiny, weird school where the kids sat in beanbag chairs instead of desks and nobody got any grades” . She also has her say, “We settle into types- Bridget the athlete, Lena the beauty, Tibby the rebel, and me Carmen, the… what? The one with the bad temper. But the one who cares the most. The one who cares that we stick together.”

I really enjoyed reading this book. It inspires me by the way they stay in touch with one another. It makes me think about my group of friends. By this I mean that we care so much about each other, that if anything would happen, we would want to stay in touch with each other. I think this book relates to every group of friends. Especially the ones who care when something’s not right.

Ann does a great way of telling this story because she is so realistic. She describes how it really feels like when a group of friends get separated. At first, I was wondering why she would write a book about something like this. But then, she gave so much great detail that brought the story to life, that I soon fell in love with the book. I think overall, the book was very well written.

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