Insurgent by Veronica Roth | Teen Ink

Insurgent by Veronica Roth

May 8, 2014
By Claire Seta BRONZE, Cincinnati, Ohio
Claire Seta BRONZE, Cincinnati, Ohio
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

By: Veronica Roth
Imagine that you had to kill one of your best friends. Tris Prior did, and the guilt is almost too much for her to handle. Every choice Tris makes in the book Insurgent could kill her. That is why the theme of the book is One Choice Can Destroy You. The choice she made to kill Will is slowly starting to destroy her little by little. Tris makes many bad choices in the book that put her and the people she loves at risk. After the attack on the Abnegation ended Tris is a mess. The Amity allow her and some other Dauntless and Abnegation to stay with them. After all that has happened there is still much more coming her way.

The theme of the book is one choice can destroy you, and it is true. In the book soon after Tris arrives at the Candor Compound the Dauntless Traitors come shoot almost everyone in the compound. The dauntless traitors are people from dauntless that have switched to the Erudites side, leaving their old faction. They do not shoot them with bullets though, they shoot them with a needle that puts them under a sleeping simulation. A simulation is something that was created by the Erudite, and it controls your mind, and sometimes your body. The simulation does not work on the divergent, and the Traitors go around looking for them. The choice that Tris makes at this time is to kill Eric, who is the leader of the Dauntless traitors. This choice could back fire and kill Tris, because if she fails Eric will kill her. Taking chances is what makes Tris a dauntless, but it is also what makes her reckless at times.

Tris is the main character in the book. The book is written in her point of view. Tris is smaller than most people. She had long blonde hair, but she cuts it short in the beginning of the book. Tris is very brave, but that is what puts her at risk at times. Tris is very reckless, and at times does not even value her own life. Many people say Tris is mean, because she can’t watch her tongue and does not care what people think of her. Although Tris is very brave and very smart, she lies a lot. In the book she makes many lies, putting herself at risk. Although Tris is the main character of the book she is not really the most likable character, but that is just how she likes it.

The mood of the book is a little scared, but mostly mad. Tris is mad because the Erudite killed her parents. Tris will do anything to get back at them for what they did to her. Most people are scared, and just want everything to go back to the way it was. The book keeps you feeling a little weary, because you never know when another attack will happen. That is the intense part of Insurgent. Everyone in the book feels different about the attacks that are happening. For example, Tris hates the attacks and thinks they should stop, but Jeanine likes them because they are getting her what she wants. The mood of the book helps the book seem more realistic.

The book Insurgent by Veronica Roth is thrilling, intense, interesting, and action filled. The book is full of twists and turns that make you want to keep reading. There are many interesting characters in the book that add to the thrill of the story. Can you imagine if everyone were divided into factions? Would you go with the flow, or would you try to change things. Tris is not like the others, anf that is part of what makes this story worth reading. Even though the book is very long, it won’t feel like it because this book is such a page turner. Tris’s story will keep you wanting to read more. Just one thing to remember, will you let one choice destroy you?


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