Say Goodnight, Gracie by Julie Reece Deaver | Teen Ink

Say Goodnight, Gracie by Julie Reece Deaver

April 11, 2014
By Sophia Bartholomew BRONZE, Cincinnati, Ohio
Sophia Bartholomew BRONZE, Cincinnati, Ohio
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Say Goodnight, Gracie

Could you imagine losing your best friend?

Say Goodnight, Gracie was very inspirational and is a perfect read for teens that are interested in a story about losing your best friend. I really enjoyed this book and I love the whole main idea. The book starts with the tragedy of the character named Jimmy, who died in a car accident by a drunk driver. Then the book continues on telling about the friendship before the accident. I think this book was very inspirational because it would be very hard to lose your best friend who is more like family and then have to live the rest of your life without that person along with you in great events and memories that will be made.
The author does a very good job explaining each character's personality. The main characters are Morgan, Jimmy, who is Morgan’s best friend. Then there is Morgan’s aunt who works at the hospital and is very close with Morgan. Jimmy is a dancer and he also does plays for different productions around the city. Morgan is very opinionated but very loyal to her best friend Jimmy. When Jimmy goes to a big audition Morgan sneaks out of school to tag along and support him.
One main event that occurs is after Jimmy’s call back, Morgan and Jimmy start fighting because Morgan was trying to be supportive and Jimmy was in a bad mood so he didn’t take it well. Jimmy said harsh things to Morgan so she decided to walk to the hospital to see her aunt. Morgan spends the night at her aunt’s and the next day Jimmy shows up at the aunt’s house to apologize to Morgan. This is one of my favorite parts because it shows that even after saying mean, hurtful things to each other, they won’t let it hurt their friendship.

The mood of the story changes throughout and I think it makes it more interesting. This book is more for teens because the main focus is on a teenage friendship. A lot of teens can relate to this book and not the tragedy part, but the way the friends are together and it makes readers think about what it would be like to lose a friend. I think the author, Julie Reece Deaver, does an amazing job making the reader feel like they are in the book and she describes the emotion the characters are meant to feel, so well. The story is told in 1st person perspective and that helped the reader be able to feel the main character's point of view of the events that occur.
Overall, I loved this book and it was so emotional in many ways and there are so many exciting events that happen and throughout the story it become even more interesting. I definitely recommend this book to all teenagers.

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