Deathwatch by Robb White | Teen Ink

Deathwatch by Robb White

April 8, 2014
By Carterr BRONZE, Cincinnati, Ohio
Carterr BRONZE, Cincinnati, Ohio
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
To be wise and old you must first be young and stupid.

Book Review of Deathwatch

So we all know how all books start out really slow and boring-pretty much dragging along, right? Wrong! Deathwatch gets right into the action and meat of the story and sustains it. Not only that, but there are plot twists and turns. This story is about a boy looking to get money for college who takes up a job as a guide to a hunter which leads to the boy almost getting in jail. This book is even better because it is targeted towards your average teen reader because of the easier words and descriptions. But it is still hard enough to keep things interesting. With the easier words the voice is still powerful and eventually disappears into the characters’ voices.

This book is not your average topic to read about. Ben a boy just trying to get money for college takes up a job as a guide through a desert for a man hunting bighorns, a goat like animal. The man he guides is Madec a rich man from a big city and is willing to do whatever it takes to get what he wants. So when Madec shoots a man in what seems to be an accident he is willing to get rid of Ben to make sure he tells no one.

When reading this book you eventually forget you are reading a book and start to think you are in the blazing waterless desert with them. This book is so into detail with the setting and word choice it seems like he has actually been there and it seems more like one of his life events not a fictional book.

The author tells you a lot of details in this book to show how well they researched this book, from the specific weapon the hunter uses to the specific animals and plants he sees in the book. When Ben went to the hospital he added a lot of true, scientific facts, like when your blood stops flowing at a certain point after you are dead. (bad detail I know but it’s in there.)

This is a very good book that I would recommend to any reader just looking for a good book. I know a lot of people that honestly don’t like to read and I kind of do but when I started reading this book I got really into it and didn’t put it down till I was done. When in class we were assigned 30 min of reading I read 60 min of reading because I had liked it so much. So all in all, this is a great book that I found exciting and fun to read.

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