Radiance by Alyson Noel | Teen Ink

Radiance by Alyson Noel

April 4, 2014
By ShadowWolf20 BRONZE, Moundsville, West Virginia
ShadowWolf20 BRONZE, Moundsville, West Virginia
1 article 0 photos 0 comments


By Alyson Noel

Radiance is about a 12 year old girl named Riley Bloom, who died in a car accident along with her parents and her dog, Buttercup. Riley is assigned a job from the council, Soul Catcher, where she has to convince lost souls to cross into the after life. Her older sister, Ever, is alive though, and has a series all her own called Evermore, Blue Moon, Shadowland, and Darkflame. The book’s genres are Children’s Fiction, Fantasy Fiction, and Middle School Paranormal. I highly recommend Radiance for those who love the paranormal, fantasy,or just want to read a good book. There are more books following Radiance called Shimmer, Dreamland, and Whisper. You can find these books in your local book store or at a book fair in your school. This book, in my opinion, is wonderfully written. After you read Radiance, you will be wanting the next book, and so on. In fact, you’ll be so wrapped up in the book you probably wouldn’t be able to put it down! So go to the library, local book store, or your schools book fair, and find this book! If you do not believe in my words then you might as well get the book and read it for yourself!


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