The Golden Treasury of Poetry by Louis Untermeyer | Teen Ink

The Golden Treasury of Poetry by Louis Untermeyer

April 2, 2014
By arod122333 BRONZE, Smuttsville, Oregon
arod122333 BRONZE, Smuttsville, Oregon
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

I read the book “The Golden Treasury of Poetry” and found it be an incredible book full of classics and favorites of all ages. From some of the greats like “Annabel Lee” to the sweet and simple favorites like Christoper Robin”. Louis Untermeyer’s selection of poetry is to truly be remembered. Accompanied by the artistic abilities of Joan Walsh Anglund this is a book you will want to hand down from generation to generation.
From the Foreword and on you will be pulled into the rhythmic tales of bravery and love and life. Untermeyer and Anglund made themselves quite a pair in bringing together a brilliant selection of poetry and a creative style of illustration. This book will bring you pure joy, sorrow, and curiosity of the world around us. The many poems, including his own, Untermeyer picked were so meticulously placed throughout the book you couldn’t imagine having not read this book. I strongly advise you by a copy of this book. You will be glad you did.


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