When the Brave Dare to Canyon | Teen Ink

When the Brave Dare to Canyon

November 14, 2008
By Anonymous

CANYON by Christopher J Holcroft, is the second installment in a series that follows the adventures of Scott Morrow and his Venturer Unit. The novel tells the story of a canyoning trip that places the Venturer Unit against the elements and forces them to make a life and death decision.
The book begins with the characters practicing their abseiling skills, as they learn to trust each other, in a controlled environment before they have to put these skills into practice in the most extreme weather conditions.
With meticulous detail the author impeccably describes the scene, painting a picture in the reader’s mind. As the story builds in intensity the author switches between characters at different locations keeping the reader’s intrigue.
The book shows the important connections between the different sections of the scouting family, particularly the bond between Venturers and Rovers.
Like Only the Brave Dare the book is targeted towards teenage readers with a passion for adventure.
Throughout the adventures of the Venturer Unit the author highlights the importance of team work.
The novel is a suspenseful and entertaining read that keeps you on the edge of your seat.
CANYON is an adrenaline filled story that will be thoroughly enjoyed by all teenagers.
CANYON is available through Poseidon Books at www.poseidonbooks.com/

The author's comments:
I was a Venturer Scout that participated in a canyoning trip with the author of CANYON, Christopher J. Holcroft.

Christopher wrote the book after the trip as the second of three involving a mythical Venturer called Scott Morrow.


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