My Side of the Mountain by Jean Gorge | Teen Ink

My Side of the Mountain by Jean Gorge

April 2, 2014
By Anonymous

This book is about a young boy named Sam Gribley. He dislikes living in his tiny apartment with his parents and his eight brothers and sisters. His father has told him many times about his great grandfather’s land. His great grandfather’s land is in the middle of nowhere. He decides to run away from home.

His father told him that every boy should try to run away. He did not think that Sam could do it. He thought that Sam would be back at the apartment within one day. Sam knew that he could do it and stay in the Catskill Mountains where his great grandfather’s land was. Sam would have to search for the land. Along his journey he meets a man that teaches him how to make fire, a woman that was picking strawberries, and a librarian that helps him find a map.

I would really recommend this book for other people to read. It is one of the best books I have read. It is an easy read. It is not a very long book. Jean Gorge is a very good author. She is one of my favorite authors.

This book is a good book. I would recommend this book for anyone wanting to read a short, but good book. Sam meets a lot of different people along his journey in the woods. This is one of my favorite books to read.


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