Matched by Ally Condie | Teen Ink

Matched by Ally Condie

March 14, 2014
By Mariana Silva BRONZE, Phoenix, Arizona
Mariana Silva BRONZE, Phoenix, Arizona
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Matched by Ally Condie
In the narrative, Matched, Ally Condie builds a whole new society in the future where humanity had to be restored and maneuvered in a different way for survival.
The main character, Cassia Reyes, believes that everything in this new society is nothing but perfect. That is until the most unexpected thing happens. From then on she doesn't know what to believe. Condie does a spectacular job in making it appear as if the reader is living the journey right next to the main characters. Her writing skills have attracted readers to this book since it's first publication in 2011.
As cassia is figuring out the true secrets of her society, she falls in love with ky, who is not accepted by their society, even though she had already been matched with her best friend, Xander. Since that day, her entire life begins to fall apart in such a way that she is devastated to find out the truth.
The theme of this novel is all about love. Cassia discovers that love can't be forced or chosen. Instead, it is something you feel and cannot control. Cassia describes her love for ky when she wonders, "Is falling in love with someone's story the same thing as falling in love with the person himself?" However, Cassia's love story does not end there. Her adventure continues in Condie's next two books in this amazing series.

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