Marie antoinette by kathryn lasky | Teen Ink

Marie antoinette by kathryn lasky

February 7, 2014
By Mariah Birchfield BRONZE, Logan, West Virginia
Mariah Birchfield BRONZE, Logan, West Virginia
1 article 0 photos 2 comments

The title of my book is marie antoinette princess of versailles. The authors name is katheyn lasky. My book is about an thirteen year old princess name marie. In order to prepare herself to become queen she must trained to rad, write, speak , french. Her dream is to become queen of versailles. Her mother was queen of versailles, but she passed away. Life has been hard on marie without her young beauiful mother, but she knew her mother would be glad for her to reach for the stars and becom queen.

This book is honelsty one of the best books i ever read in my whole life! It gives everyone a reason to not give up and keep reaching for the stars. Marie has alot on ther mine. She has to get married in a month to a prince. she heard he was very charming, and it turns out hes nasty, smelly, shy, and quiet. One onth later they got married. At the wedding hes was clean, not shy, and happy. She lived a happy life with her husband, and she never gave up!

She had a diary, about all the good and bad times she had in her relationship. Her husband is named king cornelas. Maries relationship was good and some points, and bad at others, but they get along most of the time. One year later, Marie lefted to see her father. This was her first time ever seening her father. she was so excited and she had all kinds of baby pictures of her to give to her father. This story is so sad. Marie was so happy to see her dad, not only her father, but her fathers side of the family. Marie stayed there for a week then she returned home to her husband.

Marie found a basket of rings, braclets, and dimonds, they was a note in there and it said.. Dear marie, this is from your father in law, Im glad that my son and you are married, please except this basket from you family! Marie was so happy that her father in law was there for her. She was so happy and felt appected in her king cornelas side of the family. Marie always been on her own, she used to live with her grandma, until she got married. Her grandma still lives at the palace. This book is the best book ever! its intersting and an adventure!

The author's comments:
That your dreams cn come true if you belive and acheve


This article has 1 comment.

kcart123 said...
on Feb. 12 2014 at 2:10 pm
kcart123, Logan, West Virginia
0 articles 0 photos 3 comments
I love the book review! Its good and I love Marie Antoinette books, this review gives the book a good review!