The Walking Dead by Robert Kirkman | Teen Ink

The Walking Dead by Robert Kirkman

January 17, 2014
By tmclark PLATINUM, Hedgesville, West Virginia
tmclark PLATINUM, Hedgesville, West Virginia
37 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The Walking Dead
5 stars

I have read the book The Walking Dead and was truly amazed. The main reason why I read this book was because I love the thought of a zombie apocalypse and everything is in great detail. The Walking Dead is a great story that will make you think of what a man will do to protect the ones he loves.

This is about some small town sheriff who has gotten shot into a coma. He woke up from the coma to find the world as he knew it gone and replaced with flesh eating monsters. Later he finds out his family is still alive and goes on a hunt to find them so they can all be reunited as one again. This is a great fiction graphic novel that will make you fall in love with the book.

I would recommend this to any zombie fan out there. This is so in-depth with zombies it’s unbelievable. With the help of all the artists in this book they truly made it feel like I was there.

This book was written very well and every zombie fan out there should definitely read this in their free time. I was extremely happy with this book.


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