For One More Day by Mitch Albom | Teen Ink

For One More Day by Mitch Albom

January 17, 2014
By tmclark PLATINUM, Hedgesville, West Virginia
tmclark PLATINUM, Hedgesville, West Virginia
37 articles 0 photos 0 comments

This book was an excellent read once you pick it up you won’t put it down, of course after the first chapter or so. This is not something ordinary of Mitch Albom; usually his books draw you in right away. The main characters name is Chick Benitto. Some people would consider this a ghost story but I consider it a bad dream.

In the book Chick went through a series of unfortunate events he split up with his wife, started drinking, his mother died, and the final spark to the fire was when he was not invited to his own daughter’s wedding. After that he tried to kill himself but did not succeed and then he went to his child hood home and heard his mother, she’s dead. Then he saw his mother and she made him breakfast and together they went through a journey of his old home town because his mother would do peoples hair that are terminally ill and make them look beautiful. Through this trip Chick got closure from when his mother died, he got one more day.

This book drags a lot at the beginning but it really pulls you in afterwards. It’s like how you have to be drug up the roller coaster before you can go down the big hill. I recommend reading this book as long as you have a fair warning of what comes after the first chapter.
The ending of this book is not a big Grand and dramatic ending but he end is The ending of this book is not a big Grand and dramatic ending but he end is really good and overall you will love this book just as much as me. I’ve read this book four or five times and it never gets old. Also if this book was good to you read the five people you meet in heaven it is just as good if not better and overall you will love this book just as much as me. I’ve read this book four or five times and it never gets old. Also if this book was good to you read the five people you meet in heaven it is just as good if not better.


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