39 Clues: Day Of Doom by David Baldacci | Teen Ink

39 Clues: Day Of Doom by David Baldacci

January 16, 2014
By tmclark PLATINUM, Hedgesville, West Virginia
tmclark PLATINUM, Hedgesville, West Virginia
37 articles 0 photos 0 comments

My review is on the book 39 Clues: Day of Doom. The book was very good and had awesome details throughout the whole book. David Baldacci did a very good job at choosing what to write and when to put it in the book. There wasn’t a single place I got lost in the book and everything made sense.

In the book, a lot of action happens. Evan gets shot and Natalie gets electrocuted by the Doomsday device. Amy also falls in love with Jake and Atticus gets kidnapped again but eventually escapes. Phoenix also ends up living at made it to a hotel and called Evan and Ian. They go and pick him up and so does Hamilton and Jonah, but then they get kidnapped by Cheyenne, Casper and Sandy the weather man. Everyone eventually gets free and goes and saves the day. Isabel kills Vesper 1 and herself by drinking the serum.

This book was the last book of the Vespers series in the 39 clues. It was the greatest book of them all including the books where they compete against their family. I think everyone should read all the books because they truly are all wonderful. Even though the book was written by a different author than the rest of the books, it still fit and went along greatly with the other books.

I have read many good books before but this book was the best so far. It involves just about all types of genres. It has romance, adventure, comedy, and just about everything else. Anyone else who has read this book has probably thought the same thing about it. David Baldacci chose the right characters to die and when and how in the book. Everything fit perfectly and was awesome.


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