Enders Game by Orson Scott Card | Teen Ink

Enders Game by Orson Scott Card

December 5, 2013
By KalAi Klask Hoopii BRONZE, KEAAU, Hawaii
KalAi Klask Hoopii BRONZE, KEAAU, Hawaii
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=Enders Game Book Review=

The Enders game book and movie stars a little, intelligent boy named Andrew “Ender” Wiggin, an 8yr old boy, who lives his life on earth until he is recruited to battle school, which is located in space. Ender is not your typical boy that you imagine him to be... He is a third, a third is the third child of his/her family, when there a family should only have two children. He is called a third in his home by his brother and at school, he gets bullied at school a lot, but its about to get worse because Ender no longer has his monitor on him to protect him.
A monitor is installed by the I.T.F, who is able to see whatever Ender sees. After Ender gets his monitor taken off he gets in a fight with a bully that is a poor loser, when he loses to Ender in a game that they were playing. Because the bully tried to force him in playing a rematch Ender beats him up in self-defence. Later that night an unexpected visit from Colonel Graff who was sent down by the I.T.F, to recruit young kids Enders age, that have a possible talent in a chance in leading the worlds next strike into the war against the Buggers. The Buggers are a species that exist on another planet that attacked us and nearly destroyed all man- kind. As Ender agrees in joining the Launchies group who is the newest kids to attend in the school. The launchies spend a lot of time in classes learning about the formations that will be used in the battle room, which is like a simulation room that the teachers watch and determine if your good enough to rank up in the school. For Ender, who is a very intelligent boy that exiled really fast in battle school, he was ranking up army after army until Graff and Anderson decided for Ender to lead his own army, an army that has been discontinued for a long time because it never won a battle in the battle room. The army came with handpicked soldiers that were picked by the system. Ender leads his Army into an undefeated record that soon lead him up to Command school which is the highest level of school. Command School is located on a previous destroyed Bugger planet that was made into a command school.

In the Enders movie there was some changes here and there, but the major parts in the movie that was different from the book was mostly the ending. One of the parts that changed was when there was supposed to be a war going on, and Valentine came to Command School to try and pursued Ender to go with her and move to one of the Colonies, and live there as a mayor. Valentine also told him that if he goes back to earth, then his brother who is a leader of an army would use Ender in his army/ plan, which was also not included in the movie. So as much as Ender wanted to go back home on earth he decides that it would be better for him if he moves to the colonies. Another part that they took out was when Ender found the egg that on the Planet of Command School when it was supposed to be on the planet that Ender had flown to with Valentine. This part in the book was at the very end and read that Valentine came to get Ender to go with her to one of the colonies, and settle there as the mayor of that colony. It took them fifty years to get to the colony. Another thing that happened differently in the movie was that Ender found the Queens egg on the planet that he went to. Ender found the egg while he was searching the colony for a place for the new people coming in to live there. While he was searching he noticed that the landscape was the same landscape that he had in his game back at battle school, there was the giants head the castle that held the mirror and the carpet snake. But instead this time behind the mirror Ender found a Queens egg that holds the next generation of buggers.

To me the book was better because it wasn’t open ended like the movie. Well the book was opened ended but it gave us more of what would happen in the upcoming series, therefor the movie resummarized the ending and made it that Ender found the egg on the planet that Command School was on. Another thing was that I didn’t imagine the characters as they were in the movie, like Bonzo I would think that he was a tall; Spanish; mean kid; that likes to have things done his way. But it turned out to be that Bonzo was a short Spanish kid that would make me laugh if I was Ender and Bonzo tried to bully me.


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