red pony by john steinbeck | Teen Ink

red pony by john steinbeck

November 25, 2013
By Anonymous

My Book Review
Book title and author: Red pony and John Steinbeck
Title of review: The red pony
Number of stars (1 to 5):5

This is a good story. I like this story because of the relationship, emotions, the good times and the bad times between all the characters. The setting of this story is in California on a big farm in the 1930’s.
Description and summary of content
The name of this story is the red pony the author of this story is John Steinbeck The main characters of this story is the mother Ruth Tiffin, the farther Carl Tiffin, the son Jody, the ranch hand Billy buck, grandfather, the dog double tree mutt, the red pony Gabilan, the old Mexican Gitano. The best part of this story was when Grand paw keep telling the same story over and over again the Carl Tiffin said eat some pudding. The main event of this story was when Gabilan got sick and died. Then Gitano came and wanted to die on Carl Tifflin land and left with Carl Tifflin’s old horse into the mountains. Then Jody got promised a new baby colt from Nelly the mare of the colt and Billy buck had to kill Nelly for the baby colt. Lastly, grand paw came and got on Carl Tifflins nerves the whole time and then Carl Tifflin says some words that should not have been said. After that they all talked Carl Tifflin apologized to grand paw then they where all happy again.

The reason I rate this story five out of five is because it has good stuff in it and bad stuff in it. The red pony is a great story because all the stuff that happens in this story is amazing. When Steinbeck tells us all of the five senses and dose it excellently.
This story is a great story it lets us know whats going on perfectly in this story. This story is an a American novel it the best story iv ever read

The author's comments:
it a good story

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