The Choice by Nicholas Sparks | Teen Ink

The Choice by Nicholas Sparks

November 21, 2013
By bmwilliams BRONZE, Clarkston, Michigan
bmwilliams BRONZE, Clarkston, Michigan
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Travis Parker, a handsome, adventurous, successful, loving veterinarian, had a great life as a single man with loyal friends and even a beautiful waterfront home in North Carolina. Travis was only missing one thing in his life, love. That is until Gabby Holland, a beautiful, friendly redhead moved in next door with her dog. Travis can't help but fight his urge to meet this beautiful women next door. His eagerness leads them both through a journey neither one of them could have imagined. Thier eventful years of love, marriage and family will show how hard they are willing to fight to keep love alive.

The night they met:

Gabby noticed that her dog Molly might be pregnant. She had a feeling it was Travis’ dog Moby’s fault. She storms over to Travis’ house only to get knocked over by his dog Moby during a game of fetch. Travis rushes over to her and helps her up. They start talking and make their way to his deck for hours of talking. Travis can't help but want to see Gabby after this night.

The Weekend:

Travis invited Gabby to come over to his house for a Friday night of fun with his friends on the boat. She debated whether she should go or not because of her boyfriend. Travis ended up talking Gabby into going just to have fun and meet new people. Gabby met Travis’ friends and his sister. They all talked and had interesting conversations. Everyone really liked Gabby and wanted them to date.

The Crash:

Travis and Gabby were driving home late at night from a concert. It was raining and Travis was in a hurry to get home. Travis, not paying attention to the road drove through a red light hitting a truck at an intersection. His life flashing before his eyes. The next thing he remembered was waking up in the hospital to a dr. saying the love of his life is in a coma. Three months had passed with Gabby stuck in her coma and was moved from the hospital, to the ICU and then to a nursing home. Travis was left with the biggest decision ever, the choice.

The Choice is a good book for teens and adults. The theme in the book is fighting for love. I give the book The Choice five stars. I really enjoyed it. I was constantly sucked into this book. It brought a smile to my face, yet it also brought me tears. Nicholas Sparks is an amazing author and I recommend the book The Choice

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