The Moon and More by Sarah Dessen | Teen Ink

The Moon and More by Sarah Dessen

October 28, 2013
By alyson_ BRONZE, Charleston, West Virginia
alyson_ BRONZE, Charleston, West Virginia
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The book The Moon and More was written by Sarah Dessen. She grew up in Chapel Hill, North Carolina. Some of her most famous novels are Someone like You, Just Listen, and Along for the Ride. The Moon and More is her newest novel. It came out in June. She is currently still living in North Carolina.

The Moon and More is about a girl, Emaline, who will be going to college as soon as summer is over. She is scared to go to college because it’s such a big step in her life. Her boyfriend, Luke, has been with her for several years so she is worried about the changes that college will cause. They live in a small beach-town, Colby, and Emaline just wants to get away. Her life is very easy until a new boy comes along.

Throughout the story Emaline gets to know a boy named Theo. He’s assisting on a documentary about an artist in Colby and she is constantly running into him. This causes her to develop feeling for him and he already likes her. While she’s dealing with two boys, her father who’s hardly ever been in her life comes to town with his son. She’s got a lot on her mind and this causes her whole life to change.

I think the author is writing this in a worried tone. She’s teaching you that sometimes change is good. This was a REALLY good book! If I had to give it a rate it would get a 5/5. I would DEFINITELY recommend this book! I think the age group for this book would be from about twelve year olds to eighteen year olds. Go read this book!


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