This Lullaby by Sarah Dessen | Teen Ink

This Lullaby by Sarah Dessen

September 6, 2013
By Anonymous

Elizabeth Wirts
This Lullaby, Sarah Dessen

This Lullaby was written by Sarah Dessen. She particularly writes romantic novels. She has also written Lock & Key, Dreamland, What Happened to Goodbye, That Summer, and many others. Sarah Dessen is a bestselling author who has sold more than seven million copies, has been greatly recognized and has received many awards.

The book This Lullaby is a fictional young adult novel. The story takes place in present day and the main character is Remy. She has three best friends, Chloe, Lissa, and Jess. They all have strict rules when it comes to relationships. One of them is never get too attached. Remy or Chloe never have a relationship that lasts for more than three months. They never let boys break their heart or let them too far into their personal life. But a few of Remy’s rules change for a boy named Dexter who changes everything.

Summer is almost over. Remy, the main character, is off to Stanford for college in less than a month. Remy’s mother was about to marry a car dealership owner who is very wealthy. She was sitting in the dealership one day waiting for her mother, when she meets Dexter. He rudely bumps into her and spills her extra large diet coke. She immediately thinks of him as an annoying jerk and calls him out. She keeps running into him after that. She sees him at concerts, clubs, around the salon where she works, and even at her mother’s wedding. His band was playing at her wedding and one of Remy’s relationship rules is- never date a musician. She eventually falls for him and ends up managing the band and getting them to be better noticed. She finds herself breaking all the rules she once lived by, but realizes it is because Dexter was different. He was the love of her life. She had a reason not to believe in love, however. Her mother had married at least five times and every marriage ended in complete heartbreak.

The theme of This Lullaby is trust. Remy has to learn to trust her heart and let it do what it wants to. Her heart was set on Dexter, but she didn’t believe it. She thought she had relationships all figured out, but they turned out to be something completely different. They were beautiful, she realized. She didn’t believe that she was really just scared and confused about what her future held.

This Lullaby is a dramatic, yet humorous novel about finding true love and discovering trust. I definitely recommend this book to anyone who loves a great romantic novel. I finished it in three days, so you could say that I enjoyed it very much. It also teaches a life lesson about trusting your heart. It was a magnificent page-turner.


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