Flowers For Algernon by Daniel Keyes | Teen Ink

Flowers For Algernon by Daniel Keyes

September 15, 2008
By JaysynB190 SILVER, Fort Wayne, Indiana
JaysynB190 SILVER, Fort Wayne, Indiana
7 articles 0 photos 2 comments

Ever wished you could be smarter than you were? Hoped that with a push of a simple button, everything would seem so much easier, so much better? If such a treatment existed, would you take it AND be prepared for the consequences that come with it?

For mentally-challenged 32 year old Chalie Gordon, it seemed a dream come true. Always since a boy, he had wanted to become smarter and do his family proud. Charlie works part-time as a janitor at a bakery and attends regualar night classes with special-education teacher Alice Kinnian. It was her recommendation, along with Charlie's desire to learn that he was picked for a "special procedure." Undergoing an operation on his brain, Charlie's I.Q. slowly rises from 70 to 180. Unfortunately, there were some minor complications that no one could've dreamed. Told from the progress journals Charlie writes, this daring tale of a human being who got so much more than what he wished for is a great work of literature. Dwell inside the human sub-conscious and discover what makes a human being.


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