Divergent by Veronica Roth | Teen Ink

Divergent by Veronica Roth

May 6, 2013
By brendan bartley BRONZE, Cave Creek, Arizona
brendan bartley BRONZE, Cave Creek, Arizona
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Divergent by Veronica Roth, is a popular book amongst the new modern dystopian novels. In Divergent, the characters society has been split up into five different factions, or places where they live under the government’s control. This give the reader a Hunger Games feel where there is a lot of suspense. Veronica evokes the reader to be a part of the book so that the reader becomes attached to the characters. Veronica Roth creates a new society where everything is controlled by the government. Veronica gives so much detail about all of the characters and the events that are happening in the book that it makes the reader never want to ever put the book down. This makes the reader want to keep reading the book because it is so pack with excitement and action. She is able to describe the events in such detail that you are able to picture images of what is happening in your mind. In this book there is never a dull moment, Divergent keeps you on edge at all times and makes it very hard to ever put down. This book pulls you in with its realistic feel and makes you forget what real everyday life is actually like. Another aspect of this book that I truly love is that the book is extremely easy to follow along with and is never confusing. Veronica is never jumping around from one thing to another; all of the events are sequential and actually make sense with the storyline. This makes Divergent not only an enjoyable read, but also an extremely fast read. One of my favorite attributes to this book is that because of how easy it is to follow along, you feel as if you are really there in Divergent with all of the characters. Divergent is a book that is not as well known as the other popular dystopian novels such as The Hunger Games, Maze Runner, or even the classic Fahrenheit 451, however I personally believe it is the best out of all of them. I have read all of the other books and I have found that Divergent is still the easiest book to follow along with and it is the also the best book when it comes to picturing what is going on in your head. This book overall is a must read for anyone who is looking for a great dystopian novel packed full of excitement and action!


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