Apollo 13 by Jim Lovell | Teen Ink

Apollo 13 by Jim Lovell

April 11, 2013
By Anonymous

Dear Mr. Lovell,

I want to be a commercial pilot. When I read your book, the part with the Apollo oxygen vent freaked me out because it made me think of the possibilities of what could happen to me in a plane. I thought about if I could handle the situation like you did. I was reassured when many countries volunteered to help. Also, how hard the N.A.S.A. crew worked to get you home safely was comforting. I was reassured if I ever get into a major accident people will have my back and your book showed me that. Other things your book did was make me think about things I have not thought about before. I think about what it would feel like being in space without anyone but your two other partners who are in the same predicament as you are. You probably felt hopeless and lost at times.
Although I have not been in a space accident, I do know what its like to feel lost. The sense of panic is not pleasant. Even if it is something as small as a grocery store or Disney World the feeling is still there. One thing this reminds me of is when I had a family member get lost in Disney World. Its freaky not knowing what has happened to them or if you are going to see them again. We did end up finding her relatively fast though and it worked out like it did with you.
Something else I thought about is how your dream of walking on the moon never came true, but in the end you were happy with the outcome. You were glad with what happened even though it did not happen as planned. I think about whether I would be content if my big goal in life never happened, but as this book showed things happen for a reason. Your book showed me these things and it is one I will remember and continue to think about.

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