When You Were Mine by Rebecca Serle | Teen Ink

When You Were Mine by Rebecca Serle

January 26, 2013
By Kahli BRONZE, Vancouver, Washington
Kahli BRONZE, Vancouver, Washington
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

When You Were Mine is a modern day spin of Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet except it is in Rosaline’s point of view. When I read the back of the cover I did not think I was going to like the book, but When You Were Mine turned out to be better than I expected. The way Serle writes gives the reader a good grip on Rosaline’s feeling throughout the book. I love the way she forces the reader to fall in love with Rob(Romeo) then rips him away, giving the reader the same feelings as Rosaline. I find the emotion to be well portrayed through the book. I liked how Serle has entwined some memories from when the characters were younger to give some back story and to make the connections between the characters feel more real. There are some parts that bothered me when I started to read When You Were Mine. The beginning bothered me the most Serle gives the readers to details about all of the characters for the reader to grasp. Over all When You Were Mine was a good book and I would recommend it to people to read.

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