rumble fish by s.e. hinton | Teen Ink

rumble fish by s.e. hinton

November 2, 2012
By Anonymous

If you are looking for a book with gangs than this is the right book for you. Rumble fish tells the story of a a middle school kid Rusty James who gets into a rumble with Biff behind a pet store and looses to Biff. Rusty has something bad happen to him and somebody surprises him at the fight.

While Steve is talking to rusty said to him “I don’t want to see you daily, because I want to think for myself now instead of you every time.” Steve constantly hangs out with
Rusty. The motorcycle boy said “California is like a beautiful wild kid on the heroin as high as a kite.” At the end of the book rusty tells Steve “see you later” before he went where ever he went to.

I think the theme of this story was that S.E. Hinton wanted not only one setting but multiple of settings like what she did with The outsiders. I thought that this book was great, but The outsiders is a little better. She did a really good job with making this book sound so real, but its really realistic fiction. This book is really hard to put down.


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