cique du freak by darren shan | Teen Ink

cique du freak by darren shan

October 29, 2012
By Anonymous

“I want to be a vampire!” said Sam. The cirque du freak is a great series. I think it’s a great series because of the main charters and the plot. Also the theme of the book is that a boy is now a vampires assistant.

A boy named Darren Shan was wanting to go to a freak show and they could only afford two tickets. So another boy throw the ticket with a lot of paper the same size and then one boy caught one. So they went to the freak show and the his friends said something unexpected. But the main characters are Darren Shan and Mr. crepsley are the main characters. But Darren has to make a life changing decision.

But the main and my favorite charaters are Darren and mr crepsley. Because Darren makes a life changing decision for his friend. Also because that he is all alone and he is going to be a loyal friend to who he meets . mr.crepsley because the is a wise and loyal friend to Darren and the hard times he is going through.

But I think that the book series will be a great series . but Darren makes the decision and he makes the right choose. But Darren and mr crepsley will be heading on more terrifying adventure. And that is why I love this book.


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