Drama High: Frenemies by L. Divine | Teen Ink

Drama High: Frenemies by L. Divine

October 29, 2012
By Anonymous

Drama High: Frenemies – Book Review

Frenemies, by L. Divine, is one of my favorite books out of the whole “Drama High” series. If you like books with A LOT of drama, this is the book for you. It always gets me more and more interested the farther I get in the book. I never know what’s going to happen next. The characters in the book are great.

Frenemies is about a teenager in high school, dealing with more problems than she can handle! Jayd and her two best friends, Micky, and Nellie are like the three musketeers, until Nellie gets in the popular group. Nellie has ALWAYS wanted to be a “cool, popular” girl. Now, she has her chance. Tania, Jayd’s enemy, is trying to ruin everything Jayd has. Jayd and her boyfriend, Jeremy, have a perfect relationship. But Jeremy’s ex, Tania, claims that she is pregnant with his baby! Tania tries to take Jayd’s best friend, and boyfriend away from her. Jayd tries everything to get her friend back.

Jayd has a bit of an anger problem. Every time she feels she needs to, she confronts someone…with her fists. Jeremy is getting tired of it. Jeremy thinks that Jayd starts all of the drama, but in reality, it’s Tania. Jayd thinks that Tania is up to something, and she is going to find out. Jayd’s ex, Rah, is trying to sneak around and get Jayd back! Jayd can’t resist staying away from Rah. Will Rah and Jayd get back together? Or will Jayd stay with Jeremy? That is only part of all the drama that takes place in this book. The characters and their relationships are interwoven with each other throughout the entire book. This enticing you to see who wins, and who loses in the end.

I would strongly recommend this book to anybody who loves drama. This book has nothing but drama! It really gets you thinking, who are your true friends? And Jayd finds that out the hard way. Are your friends who you really think they are?


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