Cruise control | Teen Ink

Cruise control

September 26, 2012
By tydog BRONZE, Santa Maria, California
tydog BRONZE, Santa Maria, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

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Cruise Control

Set against the challenges of having to take care of your mentally challenged brother that has seizures all the time without a dad is something Paul is faced with in the story Cruise Control. Having the thought of being the major jock-stud in high school while his brother has a brain the size of a badminton birdie really bugs and get under his skin. He feels bad for being embarrassed by his brother but he just can’t help it. If you didn’t like the book Speak because of Melinda’s negative attitude and actions, pick up Cruise Control and enjoy the positive adventure Paul takes you on. For me, I really enjoyed this book because it changed my life by teaching me to do the things I enjoy in life to get over the things I don’t like.


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