Book Review | Teen Ink

Book Review

September 26, 2012
By Anonymous

The book i read was Maximum Ride by James Patterson. It was a very fun book to read had a lot of adventure mystery and mischief and action. There were a lot of parts that make you just think to yourself what is going to happen next? James Patterson to me is a very good author and writes very good books for teens to read and keep them interested. The book is about a family who's not even a family. They are all kids who were taken from their parents as babies and brought to a lab and used as a project. There is Max Angel Iggy Gasman Fang Nudge. They were given wings and superhuman strength. And one of them Iggy was supposed to have super eyesight but it went wrong and now he is blind. But the story takes place in a place called The School its the lab they were brought to as babies. They escape but Angel is kidnapped and brought back so the rest of the family has to go save her and that is when they get chased by Erasers half man half wolf creatures that were made to stop them . But when Angel is rescued that's when Max is told she was made to save the world! But while the gang was away from their new home it was blown up and now they have nowhere to live but they heard of a place called the Institute and it is somewhere in New York City and they are supposed to go there and find records on who their parents where and try to get back to them.


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