The truth about forever by sarah dessen | Teen Ink

The truth about forever by sarah dessen

May 31, 2012
By evy272 BRONZE, Lincoln, California
evy272 BRONZE, Lincoln, California
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
&quot;When life gives you lemons, make grape juice and sit back and watch the world try to figure out how you did it!&quot;<br /> &quot;We are farmers! BUM BA DUMM BUM BUM BUM BUM!&quot;<br /> &quot;What would you do far a Klondike bar?!&quot; :D

The Truth About Forever by Sarah Dessen
The book The Truth About Forever is one of my favorite books. It’s the type of book that gets you thinking about your relationships with others, like your friends and family and what type of life you want to live. In life we kind of go with the flow and try to avoid problems, but this story shows you that you need to face them.
After losing her father, Macy begins to grow farther apart from her family. She strives for perfection on the outside; trying to get perfect grades and looking perfect, but she is miserable on the inside. Then she meets a catering crew called Wish and her life seems to change. She sees that even though problems occur, they face them and work together. When Macy hangs out with them she learns that it’s not a bad thing to have fun.
At the beginning of the story, the plot kind of moves at a slow pace; she studies and works all day, so that’s kind of what you’re doing in the story. Her life is definitely far from exciting. But when she meets the Wish crew and a boy with a past, questions seem to just pop in your head and you wonder how all this chaos that surrounds these people will help her.
This story teaches you to face your problems and not to avoid them. Not everything is perfect and goes as you expect. When she hangs out with the crew she learns that being alive and being afraid don’t have to be the same thing. And that’s the truth about forever.


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