The Raw Shark Texts by Steven Hall | Teen Ink

The Raw Shark Texts by Steven Hall

May 25, 2012
By AnubhutiKumar PLATINUM, New York, New York
AnubhutiKumar PLATINUM, New York, New York
41 articles 0 photos 8 comments

Imagine waking up face down on the carpeted floor of your bedroom, except you don’t know it is yours. You don’t know who or where you are, or what to do now. You walk down the stairs and find an envelope by the phone with instructions telling you to call a Dr. Randle. You do and she tells you to come over. You hope into what the letter says is your car, a yellow jeep. You haven’t forgotten how to drive. You wonder why that is. The doctor tells you your girlfriend, Clio Ames, died just over three years ago, but you don’t remember this girl or that you ever had feelings for her. And by the way this isn’t the first time you have forgotten, this is your eleventh recurrence. This is how the life of the new Eric Sanderson begins.
In this thrilling adventure story the first Eric or the one before he lost all his memory, sends this Eric letters and packages at frequent intervals through a system he set up before the eleventh recurrence. These letters show Eric how to protect himself from the Ludovician. The Ludovician is a conceptual shark that eats at minds and takes big bite out of memories. Its latest victim? Eric Sanderson. The shark found him while he was working with the Un-Space Committee and Dr. Trey Fidorous after Clio died because he thought he might be able to bring her back, using this conceptual ocean. Fidorous warned him against it and that it could put him in danger, but overwhelmed with grief, he didn’t listen and went on trying to save her. His efforts were in vain when the shark found him and since he has been losing more and more of his memory with every recurrence and finally he has completely lost all of his memory.
Eric decides after reading these letters that he has to find Dr. Trey Fidorous and goes on a journey to find him, leaving everything behind, except his cat Ian, his only friend at the time, and a joke that has outlived the people who got him. He doesn’t tell anybody, not even Randle, where he is going or what he intends to do. Along the way he stops at a hotel where he receives a letter from somebody named Mr. Nobody. He goes to meet him because he believes Nobody can help. He doesn’t. He all most kills Eric but not before a mysterious girl named Scout saves him. She tells Eric she is here to guide him Fidorous and he believes her, finally he is part of a team and not alone. Scout tells him about Mycroft Ward, and how part of him is inside her. There are thousands of Mycroft Wards around the world now and eventually they will take over the world. They share experiences and transfer selves into each other every day. This process was made by a man long ago who wanted to live on after he died and so he found a way to transfer his “self” into another person. The system is now perfected through the internet and people are unwillingly being brainwashed.
They travel through unspace and reach Fidorous. He has figured out a way to destroy Mycroft Ward and the Ludovician. They put this plan into action. Will they succeed? Will they survive? Or will there be a twelfth recurrence. Read the exciting and thrilling “The Raw Shark Texts” and find out!


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