The Pregnancy Project by Gaby Rodriguez | Teen Ink

The Pregnancy Project by Gaby Rodriguez

April 2, 2012
By Ashley LaCambria BRONZE, Wilmington, Massachusetts
Ashley LaCambria BRONZE, Wilmington, Massachusetts
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

The book “the Pregnancy Project” is an extremely powerful memoir about a teen girl’s experiment about stereotypes. The author of this book is Gaby Rodriguez and she does not sugar coat or spare any of the cruel details of her struggle through it all. I admire her strength to give the world a real look into to her and her family’s life. Rodriguez uses characterization as a tool to show the readers how some of the characters genuinely cared for her. She also uses it to expose the ones who don’t, but never revealing any names. “They know who they are”, she says.

The writing style that Gaby uses in the book, I believe, is great for a teenager who just wants an easy read, and can grasp the tone and sarcasm that she often uses. I would consider that one of the only weaknesses of the book. A strength I recognized in the story is a lot of girls will be able to relate to how Gaby was feeling, and hopefully will take the same messages out of the book that I did. Teen pregnancy is not glamorous, and who is someone to tell you that you can’t do something just because you’re a certain way. Those two concepts are so important for teenage girls and even teenage boys to understand.

The issues addressed in the book are stereotyping and teen pregnancy. These two themes are so relevant in the world today. The media today seems to glamorize teen pregnancy. This book does the exact opposite. It shows girls how difficult and cruel the world will actually be to you once all the glamour is over. Also, it gives the realization to all teenagers that you don’t have to be what other people expect of you. Gaby’s project is based on trying to prod teens out of their stereotype, and teaching them to use the potential they have to be better than that. I think that is a lesson that everyone could learn from. I would definitely recommend this book to anyone looking for an easy but really enjoyable read. Gaby really lets people into her personal family life and shares not only her story, but also her mothers, brothers and sisters stories as well. She should be commended on her bravery and hard work; she will make a difference in a number of girl’s lives as they read about her story.


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