Handle With Care by Jodi Picoult | Teen Ink

Handle With Care by Jodi Picoult

March 9, 2012
By KelsiLynn15 SILVER, Dell Rapids, South Dakota
KelsiLynn15 SILVER, Dell Rapids, South Dakota
5 articles 0 photos 22 comments

Overall this was a fantastic novel for teenagers sixteen and up. Jodi Picoult is definitely one of the better authors of this time. She seems to really understand what things teenagers like me enjoy reading about and what aspects of a book we’re interested in. All in all, I would recommend this novel to any high school student or adult that hasn’t had the chance to experience the technique of Jodi Picoult’s writing skills

There are so many things going on in this novel at a time that I’m not even sure where to begin. The whole book revolves around a girl named Willow, who sadly has a bone disease known as osteogenesis imperfecta, or brittle bone disease. She struggles everyday and even though she has this condition, she always seems to find good in everything. Her older sister Amelia is much different. She tends to think because Willow has this incurable condition, she gets all the attention. Amelia tries and tries again to catch her parents’ attention, but they just don’t listen until it’s too late. Charlotte, Willow and Amelia’s mother, struggles with keeping up house payments and finally decides to sue her OBGYN which also happens to be her best friend. Stories pile on top of one another until finally at the end; they all tie together into what seemed to be a happy ending.

By far my favorite character was Willow just because of her positive outlook on everything. She is so young and I felt bad that she had to deal with everything she was going though. I also felt bad for her family though because it must be hard to not ever be able to hug Willow without being scared of breaking a bone. In my opinion Amelia was being extremely selfish and immature when she was doing the things she did. I know it must be hard to not ever get attention from your parents, but I would rather get neglected than get negative attention from my own parents.

I’ve read probably five of Picoult’s books and every single one of them seem to be set up the same. I really enjoy how every different chapter is a whole different character and storyline. It seems to keep me interested because if I read a chapter about any one character that I really enjoy, I can’t wait to read about that character again. Picoult really seems to grasp what teenagers enjoy reading and that’s another thing that appeals to me because it takes a really good author to repeatedly grab a reader’s attention with every single one of her books.

This book would be on my top five list just because it “tugs” at my emotions, so to speak, and not very many books can get me to cry. It’s almost like you get attached to Willow as you read more about her because she is such a down to earth little girl and you don’t find too many like that. She deals with stuff that even adults may not be able to handle and I really admire that/
I would definitely read any more books that Picoult decided to publish because I haven’t found any of her books that I wouldn’t recommend a friend to read. I love the style and dedication Picoult has for her novels and I can’t wait until she comes out with more. I just really enjoyed this piece and I hope others do as well.

The author's comments:
I really enjoyed reading this book and it even got me to tear up a little bit!


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