A Step from Heaven by An Na | Teen Ink

A Step from Heaven by An Na

February 27, 2012
By Anonymous

A Step from Heaven was written by An Na. This is her first novel. I’m not actually a bookworm. I can absolutely tell that the last thing I would do if the earth really exploded is reading a book but A Step from Heaven is amazing. I love this book.

Young Ju, an ordinary Korean girl moved to the United States with her family. Her family thought that living in the United States would make their lives get better but it wouldn’t. They lived in Gomo, Young Ju’s aunt’s house. Apa, Young Ju’s father wanted to have his own house so both of Young Ju’s parents had to take the second jobs. Uhmma, Young Ju’s mother also had the second child, Joon Ho while she was in the United States. The problem got even worse because Apa was an alcoholic and he also punished his children by hitting which was a wrong way.

It’s the story that we can see in our real lives. This book gets up and down throughout the entire book because Apa, a problem maker in this book is very hot-tempered. I like the way that the writer wrote this book. As I’ve said in the introduction, I don’t like reading books. I think the main thing probably is I hate translating hard words that I don’t know but when I read this book, I rarely had to open a dictionary. I tried hard to read books but I had to take it down because comparisons in English made me confused. In this book, it’s easier to understand for people who aren’t English native speakers. I don’t have any problem reading this book. It’s neither too complicated for children nor too simple for adults. I just kept reading till the end. I hope it will come out with A Step from Heaven Part 2 because I still want to know about every character’s life.

I highly recommend this book to everyone and especially, if you are a kind of person who doesn’t like reading books or a starter. You must read it. When you start reading this book, you will realize that you are consumed by the book. You can’t put this book down except you have an emergency thing to do. I recommend this book for a starter in every age. This book is amazing.


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