White Tiger by Kylie Chan | Teen Ink

White Tiger by Kylie Chan

February 3, 2012
By dAng51226 BRONZE, Kelowna, Other
dAng51226 BRONZE, Kelowna, Other
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"You dont need a new location to get a new perspective, you only need new eyes..."

Emma Donahoe, from The White tiger, captures the hearts of people all over the world. With her positive attitude and wild spirit, Emma quits her job and becomes the live in nanny to Simone, the daughter of Mr. John Chen. After a while, Emma becomes just like family to John, Simone, and their American bodyguard Leo and so John and Leo begin to teach her their particular style of Martial Arts. However, eventually everyone suspects she is not exactly who she says she is, and Leo is beginning to believe that she might be a lost, dangerous, otherworldly creature.
Kylie Chan, the author, shows us the bittersweet moments in life and how they feel to many of us. Just like, when Emma hears about Simone’s kidnapping we all have felt, or will feel the pain of such a loss. With Emma, Simone, Leo, and John showing and sharing happiness, courage and love toward their mixed up family you wish for nothing more but for them to end happy.
This book sparks the imaginations of people who wish for action but also something with a little more meaning behind the chaos. Once I started reading, I just could not stop. You can get attached to the characters and you begin to feel as if they are one of your old friends. You begin to feel as if you have spent your life alongside theirs, and you begin to wish for everything to be okay for them all.
Their rollercoaster life can be followed into the books Red Phoenix and Blue Dragon. I can assure you that nothing less than a book beautifully written from Kylie Chan. With all the strength in the world you cannot resist reading about sweet little Simone, brave and loving Emma, lionhearted Leo, and the one of a kind John’s adventure through life and death. I hope you give the book a try because it will definitely be worth reading.


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