The Future of Us by Carolyn Mackler and Jay Asher | Teen Ink

The Future of Us by Carolyn Mackler and Jay Asher MAG

January 13, 2012
By Ashly15 GOLD, Cannon Falls, Minnesota
Ashly15 GOLD, Cannon Falls, Minnesota
14 articles 0 photos 0 comments

“They power up and log on – and discover themselves on Facebook, fifteen years in the future.” In this book, Carolyn Mackler and Jay Asher show many perspectives of the future. The Future of Us is an excellent example of how every moment impacts the future in many ways. Almost every kid at some point would love the chance to see into the future. But as Emma and Josh find out, it changes everything, including friendships.

Jay Asher is the New York Times bestselling author of Thirteen Reasons Why. Carolyn Mackler is a Printz Honor winner for The Earth, My Butt and Other Big Round Things. After reading Thirteen Reasons Why, I was eager to plunge into the action-packed world of Emma and Josh. As we discover, these two have been best friends through everything, up until a day that changed everything. Together these authors do a superior job putting a twist on the unknown future.

I would emphatically recommend this book to readers of all ages, teen and up. If you are looking for a mystery with a little romance, this is definitely one for you.

After reading The Future of Us I have changed not only what I put online but also my everyday actions. I try to cherish every moment because, as Emma finds out, it may be the last. Emma and Josh have big decisions to make and learn that not making a decision can be the best of all. They discover that technology may have a positive or negative impact.

This is one of my favorite books. The Future of Us inspires, while also telling the intriguing story of two teenagers. The Future of Us is at the top of my list of recommended books. Now go out and begin the mystical journey of Josh and Emma.


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