Graceling by Kristin Cashore | Teen Ink

Graceling by Kristin Cashore

January 6, 2012
By Jonice Hardiman BRONZE, Gastonia, North Carolina
Jonice Hardiman BRONZE, Gastonia, North Carolina
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

My book review is about the book Graceling by Kristin Cashore. This book is definitely fantasy. It is unlike many other books in its genre. It isn’t as off-the-wall. Gracelings are simply people born with two different colored eyes that excel at something. The graces range from small things like swimming all the way to mind reading. Our main character Katsa has an amazing grace, but others find beastly for a woman to have. The era is quite similar to our Medieval Ages. The young woman is graced with fighting.

In a land made of seven kingdoms and constant civil unrest Katsa works against the tyranny of the kings. This spells danger for our young Katsa whose own uncle is the king of the Middluns. The story starts off with Katsa on a mission. The way the author seems to choose every word carefully makes the reader curious as to what is happening. It begins to draw you in as you want to know about this precarious situation.

The story shifts from curious to ironic as the story unfolds. The people she thought to be enemies have become her allies. Her grace which seems untamed, which she struggled to control, becomes much simpler when its true nature is finally revealed. A new found love for others begins to change Katsa. New enemies appear that take the reader through twists and turns adding great suspense and mystery. The story captures power struggles to self struggles. It also emphasizes problems some of us teen girls have today. For a young reader who enjoys fantasy I would highly recommend this book.


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