Mockingjay by Suzanne Collins | Teen Ink

Mockingjay by Suzanne Collins

November 3, 2011
By allie_claire_ BRONZE, Chapel Hill, North Carolina
allie_claire_ BRONZE, Chapel Hill, North Carolina
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Mockingjay by Suzanne Collins

The Hunger Games Trilogy should come with a sign that says: CAUTION: DO NOT BECOME ATTACHED TO CHARACTERS. It seems like my favorites die, or at least are mutilated severly. It is the distant future in Panem , and Katniss and co. have evacuated to District 13 to save themselves amid a state of chaos in the other Districts. After the annual Hunger Games, Katniss and others barely escaped witht their lives. Though Peeta was not so lucky. He was captured by President Snow, who is Katniss’ mortal enemy, and she must rescue Peeta from President Snow’s evil clutches. Katniss’ mission along with officials from District 13 is to save Panem from the venomous, wicked ways of President Snow and other leaders of the Capitol. Little does she now who else is against her. I don’t want to give any spoilers, so that’s all I can say.

I truly loved this book, and I understand that in a time of war some people will die, but some parts were so real and sorrowful I had to take a break from gasping to remind myself that the book was science fiction. (Key word being fiction.) Though the beginning is a bit dull, don’t give up! The middle and end are jam-packed with action just like the previous books, Catching Fire, and the Hunger Games, though Collins still manages to squeeze in a story of star crossed lovers .Some elements of mystery ensue, mostly near the end, but there also some surprises that no one will suspect.

This tale of justice and romance will leave you breathless, shocked and relieved. But it also really makes you think, and its story will haunt you for days afterward. Overall Mockingjay was a great book, by regular standards. But since the other two books in the trilogy of The Hunger Games, were so amazing, I can see how some would say it was just mediocre. Nonetheless Mockingjay was a satisfying conclusion to a spectacular series.

The author's comments:
I postitively LOVED The Hunger Games series. Usually I don't like Science Fiction, but i branched out and loved these books(:

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