tusedays with Morrie by Mitch Albom | Teen Ink

tusedays with Morrie by Mitch Albom

September 27, 2011
By ssor95 BRONZE, Miami Beach, Florida
ssor95 BRONZE, Miami Beach, Florida
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

A teacher and his beloved student reunite after many years of separation for a final lesson on life.

Mitch, a graduate from Brandeis, and Morrie, his professor from Brandeis were very close during Mitch’s college years; but as soon as Mitch finished college, their friendship was but a shear memory.

Many years later, Mitch was leading the life he was not hoping to have. However it is then that Mitch discovers something so shocking about Morrie that it changes his own life forever. This discovery brings back to life the close friendship between Morrie and Mitch.

After the discovery, Mitch and Morrie start meeting on Tuesdays to talk about everything. For Mitch, these meetings soon become more and more reminiscent of his college life when Morrie was teaching him many years ago. This time, Morrie is teaching a lesson with a deep meaning, the lesson is life. These life lessons help Mitch realize what he has done right and what he has done wrong so far in his young life.

You can only begin to understand the meaning of very deep topics that include death, fear, the world, family and many others, by reading tusedays with Morrie.

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